Madi had her 4 year old check up with Dr. Hornbeck today and it went great! She is a healthy 4 year old! She was 42 inches tall (90th percentile) and 46 pounds (95th percentile). She passed her hearing test but didn't do as well as expected on her vision test so we are going next Wednesday to get a full eye exam...I sure hope they have cute frames for little girls if we need glasses ;) Dr. Hornbeck was very pleased with our little gal! She got 2 shots and didn't even shed a tear so we went to J Christopher's Toy Store after school for a special treat!

46 pounds!

Passed hearing test...

Madi and Dr. Hornbeck! We LOVE him!

Eyes look good...

Our BIG girl waiting on her shots!

Showing off shot #1...

Showing off shot #2...


Leaving the Toy Store that ROCKS!

Madi's new bunny family

Ice cream with daddy to end the day :)
Madi, you are such a pretty girl!
can i examine madi with my medical kit
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